Showa-Shinzan (Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan)

Showa-Shinzan volcano, Japan

Volcano: Showa-Shinzan (see Showa-Shinzan at the Smithsonian Institution website in a new tab)
Type: Soil Diffuse Emission
Description: Showa-Shinzan is a volcanic lava dome in the Shikotsu-Toya National Park, Hokkaidō, Japan, next to Mount Usu. During the 1954–1964 period, Showa-Shinzan has been progressively out-gassed, behaving during the post-1964 period as a meteoric water dominated system and decreasing in the temperature of the main fumaroles 1,000 °C to 350 °C.

Point of contact for this site:
Hiroshi Shinohara, (Geological Survey of Japan, AIST)

No Data Available.
Number of measurements: 2

Bibliographic references for this site

Hernández P.A. , K. Notsu, H. Okada, T. Mori, M. Sato, F. Barahona, N.M. Pérez, 2006,Diffuse emission of CO2 from Showa-Shinzan, Hokkaido, Japan: a sign of volcanic dome degassing, Pure Applied Geophysics, vol.63, pp. 869-881

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