North Coulee (California, USA)

North Coulee, Mono Craters chair

Volcano: Mono Craters (see Mono Craters at the Smithsonian Institution website in a new tab)
Type: Soil Diffuse Emission
Description: North Coulee is a prominent feature near the north end of the Mono Craters chain. The coulee is a glassy rhyolite flowthat is partially blanketed by tephra deposits emplaced during the latter part of the North Mono eruption in the mid-14th century CE.

Point of contact for this site:
Deborah Bergfeld, (U.S. Geological Survey)

No Data Available.
Number of measurements: 3

Bibliographic references for this site

Bergfeld Deborah, William C. Evans a, James F. Howle b, Andrew G. Hunt, 2015,Magmatic gas emissions at Holocene volcanic features near Mono Lake, California, and their relation to regional magmatism, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, vol.292, pp. 70–83, DOI:

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